الجدول التالي يوضح مقاسات اليشيرتات الخاصة بنا, ويرجى الملاحظة ان جميع المنتجات الخاصة بنا تتبع للمقاسات الاميركية, وبالتالي اكبر من المقاسات الاسيوية واوسع قليلا

To compare sizes, lay down a shirt that you own and measure it.
Measure the Length (A) and the Width (B) and compare it with the size guide above.

Please do not hesitate to contact us for any assistance regarding sizes.

To compare sizes, lay down a shirt that you own and measure it.
Measure the Length (A) and the Width (B) and compare it with the size guide above.

Please do not hesitate to contact us for any assistance regarding sizes.